We Create Memories

Who we are

DNT Group is a hotel management company staffed with professional and highly qualified unites, which are focused on managing both – small and medium-sized hotels furthermore extensive projects. Our authorities, who will provide you with consultation, are current hotel owners, managers and investors, have comprehensive knowledge of the field.

By collaborating with us, we guarantee the appropriate use of the hotel resources and a crucial increase in profits.

However, your project is in infancy and requires a certain inspiration, directions or leadership, convenient planning and development, by cooperating with us is possible to achieve perfection.

We offer an immense quality of service, the exact positioning of local hotels in the Tourism Market and the submission of their advantages and disadvantages, what directly affects the hotel business in rating terms, on the numbers of sales and financial benefits.


A team of specialists with many years of experience
Thorough knowledge of the local market
Focus on maximum financial results
Many successfully implemented projects
Properly managed processes according to international standards
Flexible and individual approach based on the project

Our Experts

"DNT Group" is made up of people with diverse backgrounds - from real estate, hospitality, design and technology.

Davit Meskhi

6 years experience in managing independent hotels

Nino Lomidze

9 years experience in managing independent hotels

Tata Gotvadze

6 years experience in managing independent hotels